Greetings with my love and respects,
My name is Ranie Kitingan, I am an energy code reader, relationship coach, author and trauma release healer.

Unlock The Secrets Of Your Birthdate
Hello, I'm Ranie

Discover the profound insights that your birthdate can reveal about - Your personality, aura, potentials, money energy and more..
WARNING: This is not a prediction of your life. The research is backed by scientific studies based on statistic data. It is a tool to enhance your life.

Birthdate Analysis

90-99% Accuracy
Detailed Reading Prepared By Our Experts
Keep Your Report As A Guidance In Life For Years To Come
Gain Clarity And Confidence In Your Skills, Talent And Career
And more..

"Oh my god I am shocked"
We share genuine feedback and testimonials exactly as received from our clients. To respect their privacy, names have been omitted.

"Btul2 saya speechless"
Ranie's Malaysian Client (Translation)
"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SIS RANIE...I have already read and digested the report...To the point where I can't express how can I be so lucky to know you sis even it is just from IG and Whatsapp only...The report is really2 accurate...Amazing and extraordinary... I'm really speechless..😭 Suddenly I felt someone understood me... I gain my energy back.. I started to love myself even more... Suddenly those feelings of guilt from avoiding some people disappeared.. I felt light..😭 Now I know my strengths and weaknesses that I have been searching for... It's really accurate...Such a Genius! I feel very different after reading it... Feel more positive.. I read it over and over again.. Will try my very best to improve and love myself...I'm really speechless sis... All I want to say is a big THANK YOU for taking the time to do my report... I'm grateful....
Sorry for texting you at this time...GOD BLESS YOU SIS❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹THANK YOU MILLION TIMES❤️❤️❤️❤️
Have you been experiencing any of these problems?
Maybe you have for a long time..
Confused About Your Career Choices
Work in a job that brings you no joy

Money Always Flow Out
Broke and worry in your daily life

Envy of other people
"Why Am I So Unlucky??"

Easily Scammed and decieved
Lost your hard earned money

Bank Balance
Confused What To Do In Life
You don't know who you are, what you're good at, living aimlessly in life

People Come And Go In Your Life
Friends and customers come and go but never stay

Tired With Your Busines
The business brings no profit, yet you work yourself to exhaustion

Had Enough With Your Struggles
You've had enough of living life in disempowerment and ready to change

Our Birthdate Analysis Can Help You:

Uncover your hidden strengths and untapped talents
Understand your energetic aura
Understand your financial aura
Gain Clarity on your best career choices and personality behaviors
Understand how your ancestry affects your own life events with our Ancestry report
Transform the way you see life

Transform the way you see yourself
Increase your wealth with your natural skills & expertise

"You Can't Change What You're Not Aware Of.."

What if you had, in your hands...

Answers to your unique energetic signature?
Answers behind leaks in your money flow?
Your wealth capacity?
Answers to any thoughts you had about yourself but you just brushed it off because you doubt or couldn't put them into words..
...With precise accuracy?
Wouldn't that give you a sense of clarity and confidence, freeing you from wasting time on pursuits that don't align with your unique energetic blueprint?
Rest assured, this isn't "woo-woo" - It's pure mathematics!
What will you receive in your report?
Tells you purely your strengths & weaknesses so you can develop them more to your advantage financially
Your financial energy
Current year energy and 2 years ahead
Health Hazard potentials
Business and career that is best suited for your element type
Business to avoid
Colors to enhance aura for your element type
Please read the following details carefully
This report does not include love and relationships (unless stated that a particular year is your potential year for marriage/unions or there are obvious indications in your calculation) because how we love and attract our partners, depend on our upbringing in childhood, our ancestral traumas, emotional traumas and negative blocks that we have developed. If you have any questions regarding relationships and love, please join Ranie's Telegram Channel (the only official channel where she answers relationship questions for free - WOMEN ONLY) or book a private coaching session with Ranie.
Your Birth Date Analysis report will be emailed to you in pdf format.
This report is primarily in English and a bit of Malay language (Special for Malaysians). We do not PRODUCE full Malay language reports, however, if you are from outside of Malaysia, do request for the full English version report upon email. Please be clear on this before booking.
When can I expect to receive my report?
There is a 7 to 15 days time frame to deliver your report as there is often a waiting list in que. The earlier you book, the earlier you will receive your report. In the mean time, we ask for your patience and understanding for your report as we take time to analyze each and every person's birth date thoroughly to ensure full and accurate results. If you need your report urgently, please book the VIP (Jump the que) package.
Do I need to do another Birth Date Analysis report again in the future?
Your strengths are with you for life, therefore there is no need to repeat another birth date analysis. Only your yearly energy changes that you can request for an extended report for a particular year.
Do remember that in your Birth Date Analysis report, there is already 3 years of your yearly energy potential.
At one point in life when you have children, that would be the right time to do a birth date analysis(lite version) for them as their birth numbers will have an impact in your own life.
You can also do an Ancestry Report to see which of your ancestral potentials you inherited that is not in your own birth date analysis.